Featured Health Resources

March 27, 2020 – A Coronavirus Update from Kevin Graney

Hi everyone, this is Kevin. It’s Friday, March 27. Thanks for tuning in to today’s podcast.

Today I am able to report there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at EB.

Earlier this week I described how we were adapting our shift schedules in New London to reduce the density of our people. I’m hearing some feedback that there’s some confusion about the changes we’ve put in place. Initially we set up the shift rotations to enable first shift to maintain a 4/10 schedule. We quickly realized that a 4/10 schedule caused our people to overlap with the incoming second shift. That defeats the purpose of shift work because some people were still at work when the second shift arrived and hindered us from cleaning between shifts. Since then, we’ve adjusted to eliminate 4/10s temporarily to maintain employee separation and provide a safer working environment. I appreciate your support and understanding in making this happen as smoothly as possible and especially want to thank our Union leadership for working with us to support this important risk reduction strategy. It’s another example of how we are adapting to keep each of you safe while we continue our vital mission.

Yesterday I told you how our Medical Team has been doing great work during these extraordinary times. As you can imagine, they have received many phone calls from employees since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, with questions on a wide range of topics. These calls can distract the medical team from their important work in keeping all of us safe. To help reduce the burden on our medical team, our training organization has stepped up to staff the EB Medical Help Desks in Groton and at Quonset Point. We’ve developed answers to your most frequently asked questions and now have the ability to transfer your call to other departments like employee relations and benefits to minimize the burden on our medical team.

Those phone numbers are 860-433-3470 in Groton/New London and 401-268-2244 at Quonset Point. Thank you to the training group for making this pivot and supporting you and our business.

As we move into the weekend, I want those of you who are able to take some time to rest and recharge to do just that. While each of us want to get back to a normal lifestyle, we must continue to protect ourselves and each other against COVID 19.

Continue to stay tuned to Homeport, EB Landing, posted hardcopies and email for the latest updates to our business, and continue to ask yourself two key questions each day:

• Have you had close personal contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
• Are you experiencing any symptoms? Fever? Chills? Cough? Sore throat? Shortness of breath? Body aches?

If you answer YES to any of the above questions, please get the proper care, stay home to protect your teammates and your community, and contact your supervisor.

Thank you and please stay healthy and safe!


Joe Courtney Speaks at Naval Submarine League in Groton
July 11, 2018 – Joe Courtney Speaks at Naval Submarine League in Groton
October 10, 2019 – Christening of the Oregon
January 14, 2022 – COVID Tests Provided Under Health Insurance

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